This module started off pretty tough for me, since I didn't have any experience with drawing or art prior to joining this course. I came from an all-science background, having gone through sciences in both IGCSE and A-Levels. Although I have had art classes in high school, they were very basic and my school had no interest in teaching arts. But I believe that I've tried my best in this module thus far and I'm happy with the work I've put out for submissions.
I struggled most with time management during this semester, trying to juggle Design Communication with Studio, in particular. I found that tricky but I'm glad I managed to get through it.
The projects given in this module were pretty straightforward, I believe. The brief laid everything out properly of what had to be done, and it was easy to understand.
Having this module based purely off the internet wasn't as bad as I imagined. My tutor, Dr. Shahrianne, was extremely helpful and nice. She has taught me so much about drawing and architecture, and I'm very glad to have had her as my tutor.
Dr. Filzani has been very thorough and helpful with her co-ordination of the semester. Everything was laid out and she informed us on any updates or scheduling via multiple platforms, it was hard to miss.
Overall, I'm glad to have had the lecturers and tutors I had.

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